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How Louisville Businesses Can Connect with Customers

You should give your content a boost with visual storytelling. The numbers are pretty impressive – marketers are investing heavily in visual content:

  • 74% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing

  • 93% of senior marketers say photography’s important, and even critical to their overall marketing strategies

  • Video will account for 80% of all internet traffic by 2019

How do you produce visual content and use it to keep your audience’s attention?

Always use a visual

  • It may seem like an obvious tip, but it’s crucial that your team is communicating visually across platforms.

Do an audit of your website, social media channels, emails, apps, and more, and make sure you’re using photos and videos to catch and retain attention.

Build a consistent visual identity across platforms

The strongest brands have a consistent visual identity. When you build your brand guidelines, include a photography section that outlines your photography style, key photo characteristics, and guidelines on image use on social media and your website. Include examples so everybody’s on the same page.

Connect with a value

Customers don’t connect with products or services as much as they connect with a brand’s values. What do your customers care about? What makes them tick? Creating a video that tells that story will get more attention than a video about your product.

Source awesome photography

The RIGHT photo will engage your audience better than just ANY photo.

Using original photography or utilizing Photoshop to manipulate stock photography to tell your story more effectively and can set you apart from the crowd. Make sourcing high-quality photography a priority.

Get started with video

There’s no denying it – video content is getting everybody’s attention. You can’t ignore video. It’s too important.

You can start shooting short videos for social media with your iPhone and as you progress, for the more important posts, hire a video production resource that’ll make your communications shine.

Work with live video

Live video is a hot topic for marketers. What’s the best way to use Facebook Live, Periscope, or Instagram Live stories?

  • People have a fear of missing out, so you should encourage them to join in – If you can catch your fans’ attention while an event is unfolding, you can motivate them to join in before it’s too late.

  • Give your audiences something they couldn’t otherwise experience – Give your viewer a front row seat to exclusive events and special offers.

Highlight real employees and customers

Keep open the lines of communication with your employees and your customers, and let them know you’re looking for story ideas. Remind them that no story is too small or insignificant. Sometimes the simplest stories are the best ones.

Start now

You don’t have to try all these visual storytelling tips this month. Start with one. Adding a little more visual storytelling to your content will give your marketing a boost. Experiment and tackle new ideas as you go.

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