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With Facebook’s updated algorithms, it’s become increasingly difficult for businesses to market on Facebook without using paid options. Unprompted organic content is very unlikely to be seen by anyone, including by the people who follow your page. Facebook has developed a number of paid options to help businesses succeed with their marketing on Facebook.

Chances are, if you’ve used Facebook, you’ve seen the “boost post” option. By paying the fee to boost the post, you’ll make your business’s posts appear higher on the feeds of consumers. Boosting posts is a very effective social media strategy for Facebook, especially for smaller businesses. Here are some tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of your strategy.

Have a Goal in Mind

First, you’ll have to figure out exactly what you want to promote about your business. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Would you like to see an increase in brand engagement, such as shares, comments, or likes? Do you have a certain event or sales promotion coming up? Since you’re paying, it’s best to be strategic. Boosted posts should always be intentional and never run-of-the-mill. Having a specific end goal in mind will make sure your efforts are well spent.

Be as Specific as Possible

The post should also be structured around the audience you want to target. Facebook allows you to target the following areas:

  • ·Audience

  • People in your local area

  • Location

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Interest

Tailoring your content to who you’re targeting is key in order to run a successful boosted post. The information, messaging, and content should not only be relevant to your goals, but to the people who are set to see the post as well.

Use High-Quality Content

A boosted post may be the first thing many users see from your brand. It’s important to make a good first impression. If you have an established Facebook page, look back to see what posts typically perform the best, and, most importantly, which ones don’t. The content you feature in the post should be well written and any image or media you use should be of high quality.

Consider if Boosting your Post is the Best Option

Facebook offers several different ways to promote and advertise. While boosting a post is easy and is a guaranteed way for your marketing to gain traction, you should make sure it’s the right move to meet your specific goal at the time. If you’re trying to increase page likes for example, Facebook has a “Promote your Page” feature as well.

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… Or let the team at Content-1 take care of it for you. At Content-1, we’re experts in helping small businesses start their digital marketing journeys. Contact Content-1 today to get started.

Social media marketing has become one of the most popular ways to reach prospective customers in recent years. There are many different social media platforms, each with its own target audience and unique challenges when it comes to marketing your business or brand. As a small business owner or marketer, you probably have limited time and resources to invest in various social media platforms and strategies. Here are some useful tips on how you can market your business or brand via social media and get more clients as a result.

Write Great Content

One of the most important parts of social media marketing is creating great content. People visit social media for entertainment and education, and you can use this to your advantage. The best way to create content that will generate engagement is by researching topics that are trending or relevant to your industry. Once you have some topics in mind, simply write them up in a way that is useful or entertaining. Another way to create great content is by using influencers in your industry to create content. You can pay social media influencers to create posts that link back to your site that will likely generate a lot of engagement. Using influencers to create content not only helps you create engaging content in a short amount of time—but also helps you build a relationship with these influencers that can lead to future opportunities.

Host Promotional Events

Hosting promotional events has become a popular strategy for marketing businesses and products on social media. These events can be anything from a live stream to a live Q&A session with your audience. When hosting promotional events, it’s important to create a hashtag that is related to your business. By including this hashtag in your event title, you ensure that those who are following you on social media have the opportunity to engage with your event. By encouraging your audience to use this hashtag, you can create an environment that is both interactive and engaging. Another way to encourage engagement during your event is by offering a prize for the best social media posts that include your hashtag. Hosting live events not only allows you to engage with your audience and boost your presence on social media—but also creates a memorable experience for those who tune in.

Develop a Solid Marketing Strategy

The best way to ensure that your social media marketing strategy is successful is by developing a solid strategy. Before you start posting content on any of your social media accounts, you need to have a plan in place that outlines your goals and how you intend to achieve them. In addition to outlining your goals, it also pays to outline your budget when creating a social media marketing strategy. You may not have the financial resources to create and promote a campaign on every social media platform. By outlining your goals, budget, and which platforms you intend to use, you can create a social media marketing strategy that is both effective and efficient. Another important aspect of developing a solid social media marketing strategy is understanding the different types of social media users. There are three main types of social media users: Those who are actively looking for products or services, those who are interested but not ready to commit, and those who have no interest in your business. It’s important to recognize these different types of users so that you can tailor your social media posts accordingly.

Grow Your Audience Before Launching Marketing Campaigns

This may seem like a bit of a strange tip, but it’s an important one. Before launching any type of marketing campaign, you should first focus on growing your audience. Growing your audience not only ensures that your campaigns will be successful—but also ensures that you have an audience to engage with in the first place. Now, growing your audience doesn’t mean that you should spam people and hope they engage with you. It simply means that you should focus on creating engaging content that encourages your target audience to follow you and engage with your posts. Another way to grow your audience is to create and leverage brand advocates. Brand advocates are those who are truly passionate about your business and are more than happy to share their thoughts and opinions with the world. By creating brand advocates, you not only grow your audience but also create a loyal following that is more than happy to engage with your content and promote your brand for you.

Utilize Video Marketing

This is another marketing tactic that is slowly growing in popularity among businesses and marketers. While social media posts with visuals are more than likely to get more engagement than those without, video marketing is a different story. Studies show that people are 2 times more likely to purchase a product or service when they are shown a video as opposed to a post with only images. The good news is that video marketing doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You can create simple videos on your phone and then upload them to social media. Another great way to utilize video marketing is by creating video content for your website. Not only does video content help you better tell your brand story, but it is also something that most websites don’t have. Utilizing video marketing may seem like a lot of work, but it’s a great way to stand out from the crowd and bring more people to your brand.


Social media marketing is an incredibly popular strategy for bringing new customers to businesses and brands, and it’s likely to become even more popular in the coming years. The best way to ensure that your social media marketing campaigns are successful is to work with the professional marketing resources you need to ensure your strategy, creative and execution provide you with the success you deserve. When you’re ready to get serious about social media marketing, contact Content-1 to attract, engage and grow your social media audience.

The metaverse is a digital world where users can explore, socialize, and create. It’ll soon be the home to millions of digitally-minded people who want to meet like-minded individuals, explore virtual spaces and socialize with them. This digital universe will become a thriving community that connects people from all over the world. The metaverse will be a place where people can meet up in real time or virtually - whether it be from their homes or on the go. And this makes marketers sit up and take notice, even right here in Louisville. Here’s why...

What is the Metaverse?

The concept of the metaverse was first introduced by a science fiction writer named Neil Stephenson, who described it as a virtual world that “is like real life only more so”. The idea has since evolved from fictional thinking to a concept that’s poised to impact marketing and advertising as we know it. The metaverse is a digital world where users can explore, socialize, and create. It’ll soon be the home to millions of digitally-minded people who want to meet like-minded individuals, explore virtual spaces and socialize with them.

How the Metaverse will change marketing and advertising

When marketers shift their focus to the metaverse, they’ll have to re-think the way they approach their strategies. Here are some examples: This is already happening with augmented and virtual reality - marketers are finding ways to capitalize on the experience by connecting brands with consumers in ways that are more immersive and interactive. There will also be an increased use of artificial intelligence. With advancements in machine learning, AI will become more useful than ever. With the rise of immersive technologies and AI, marketers will have to start thinking in terms of making strategic investments in the technologies that will drive their businesses forward.

4 ways marketers can prepare for the Metaverse

Marketers and advertising agencies who want to make sure they’re ahead of the game when it comes to the metaverse will want to consider these strategies: The most important thing is to keep an eye on industry trends and how they’re shaping the digital world. This will help you identify opportunities and stay informed about what’s relevant for your business. The ROI of different digital channels will also change. Since the metaverse will be deeply technological, marketers will need to be prepared to adapt their digital strategies accordingly. It will also be important to make sure you have the right digital resources and tools to manage your marketing activities. You’ll also want to make sure you have the right team in place. Consider your current marketing strategy and make sure it’s ready for the digital world. If not, now is the time to make some adjustments.

3 things to watch for in marketing in the metaverse

The following trends will have a major impact on marketing in the metaverse: - Immersive technologies - Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and holograms will all become more widely available. This will make it possible to interact with digital content in a much more interactive way. - AI Conversational Interfaces - Chatbots, voice assistants, and other AI-enabled technologies will become more widely used. This will make it possible for marketers to better connect with their customers. - Rise of the virtual goods - Digital items such as clothing, accessories, and even real estate will become more important in the metaverse. People will want to customize their digital selves in real time and with other digital people. - Real estate and transportation - Real estate will continue to be a major marketing focus for the digital world, especially in the way people choose to live. Transportation will also be a growing trend, with people having the opportunity to travel with ease.

2 things to be wary of in the metaverse

The following things will present challenges for marketers in the metaverse: - Security - With the convergence of physical and digital, cyber security will be even more important. Marketers will need to be wary of security threats like hacking and data breaches. - Privacy and control - With the increased digitization of everyday life and the convergence of the physical and digital worlds, there is an increased need for privacy and control. Marketers will have to be careful with how they use data. The one thing marketers must be wary of in the metaverse is that nothing is guaranteed. The digital world is constantly changing, and marketers need to be prepared to adapt as new technologies emerge.

As the virtual environment of the metaverse becomes a reality for marketers and advertisers, be sure to engage with us at Content-1 to develop your strategy to take the best advantage of all this new world has to offer.

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